Our mission

Creating the perfect app for Gen-Z to find friends and relationships

Creating the perfect app for Gen-Z to find friends and relationships

Creating the perfect app for Gen-Z to find friends and relationships

We are unlikeany, because we challenge the status quo.

We are unlikeany, because we challenge the status quo.

We are unlikeany, because we challenge the status quo.

We’re only happy if you are.

Social networks can be addictive to show you more ads. And let's face it, some dating apps don't really care about finding you a good match - they just want to keep you subscribed. That's why we're here - to truly help you connect with people who are a genuine match for you.

We celebrate all facets of your personality.

In other apps, appearance makes up 90 percent of your decisions. But we believe, it’s your personality that truly makes you unique. For this reason, we keep on building features increasing realness and enabling you to reveal all the exciting facets of your personality.

We embrace diversity in any kind.

While older generations often think black or white, we love the colorful shades in between. We are tearing down the borders of old perspectives on relationships, genders or sexual orientations.

We grow together, as a community.

Your ideas are our inspiration. We’re pushing this project together. While other apps develop for shareholders, we’re proud to build this together with and for you.